This blog has been born out of my recent obsession with all things Rob Pattinson and this includes Kristen Stewart.
Are they, aren't they, will they, won't they - the frenzy has me all caught up and obsessed in a manner I did not experience in the 90's ( Thank you Mulder and Scully) or the early 00's ( Josh and Donna).
I need to outlet my thoughts..so my friends and work colleagues don't think I am crazy!! Well actually...I probably am in their eyes but not sure what has bitten me....my obsession with Rob Pattinson and whether he and Kristen are a couple or not is EXTREME! We are talking black run skiing folks......My mood changes based on the latest information...
After all when I saw the KOL pics, I thought YES....and then the doubts set in.......I had resigned myself to they are just really close friends with great chemistry.......( bearing in mind I have only experienced that kind of chemisty twice in my life - both with men I was or am deeply attracted to..today it is a man who makes me laugh and makes me happy to my core but we are not together - that is a whole other story)
Anyway I digress, I was losing all hope - after all there were no PDA's between Rob and Kristen- sure they were sighted in LA, seemed to do quite a lot together on set and seem to always be with each other even on cast outings but there were NO signs......my faith was being tested....
However, when I saw the VMA pics i thought YES - some confirmation at last...after all the way she is leaning into him, the way his hands are open and touching her skin...the way she is reaching into his pocket and well.....even if this only took place over a couple of seconds.....it would be down right rude to leave a costar hanging on purpose (I actually feel for Taylor and his discomfort) but we have never seen this before ..it seems very spontaneous and yet timely in light of the horrible comments to Kristen earlier this week...and it seems quite a contrast to keeping physically away from each other, not being photographed together and all the photos being Taylor and Kristen ....it seems to be quite a statement....or is it?
On another note, can someone recommend a good therapist so that I can deal with this obsession!
And you Pschy PHd students - please some one do a PHd so we can work out why we are all so obsessed.....but hey not sure I really want a cure!!
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