Monday, October 12, 2009
Sparkly and his girl

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
A moment of doubt

So I was just over at Robstenlove.com reading the fan encounters and there was one there of the 100 monkey private party...and boy the description by a 'friend of a person who attended described a Rob and Kristen who did not hang out together all night. Kris with Elizabeth and Rob with Xavier. Rob left alone.
Yes we saw the photos of him returning alone.
Now even after this night, we had the infamous 4th Oct Pappz event. Rob, Kris, Sam and her and his Managers. A close circle of friends who probably do know what is really going on.
So despite the fact that I believe and I want to believe I sometimes have my moments of doubt. And that second hand description gave me some bad moments that Rob and Kris are just friends.
I believe - I really do but I still need that 1 peice of proof.
Come on Kris and Rob, just hold hands will you or Kris please be spotted in England with Rob over Christmas!! Something small like that will be great.
I know people go on about them at Comic Con with the intense gazes and I can see it myself but she is all casual and lovey dovey with Taylor and it shits me.....
Obviously they are very close..I mean she doesn't hang out with Nikki or with the others generally..it is Rob....see I am having a bad moment over all this.....I need to read and get my perspective back on believing.
Monday, October 5, 2009
My favourite Fan Fic and Video

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Why am I so obsessed?

- Rob and Kris together is only because of Bella and Edward.
- We only love Rob because of Edward
Well let me answer
Yes I do definitely want Bella and Edward together. Any shot of Bella with Jacob bothers me. The thought of Bella and Jacob bothers me. The shot of Jacob and Bella at the end of New moon in the movie companion where she looks like she is touching him bothers me.......Bella belongs with Edward
Yes the photos of Taylor and Kristin are not my favourite either. They look very staged and feel forced. I do not want to see Taylor and Kristin together
So I accept that 50% of me wants Rob and Kristin together because of Twilight.
However it is the actors and people, Rob and Kristin whose chemistry that sets me on fire. Those two are smoking hot together and this is the reason I want them together. They look like they have amazing sexual chemisty but also they look like they have an intense and deep connection to each other that appears legendary. A once in a generation connection between actors and a once in a life time love that we all wish to experience.
Do I know for a fact they are together? No, but do I believe they are together Yes. Do i still have doubts about it yes...but I really hope they are together because something that looks so amazing should not be passed up EVER.
As for that other matter. Edward is hot... woo hoo...but Rob is sexier, funnier and oh so gorgeous. But truthfully Rob in photo's, Rob in movies is super sexy. Sexier than Edward! This man was born to be a model. The camera loves him....and it brings me full circle....he is channelling James Dean.
I never thought I would see that beauty again in a man but boy Rob has it.
Cant wait for the Harpers photos. I am preparing to be singed. I really hope the photos are as obvious as I have heard and that they leave no question they are a couple.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Twi Tunes inspired
Lets Stay Together - Al Green
Another Again - John Legend
18th Floor Balcony - Blue October
Have a Nice Day - Stereophonics
The Bucket - Kings of Leon
Ever Lasting Love - The Fortunes
Hairdo - Little Birdy
Love me like the World is Ending - Ben Lee
Greatest View - SilverChair
Jungleland- Bruce Springsteen
Born to Run - Bruce Springsteen
Hard to Explain - The Strokes
Disco 2000 - Pulp
1963 - New Order
Canon in D - Pachabel
Whats yours peeps?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
What I see and what I read

Too much over analysis so I am going to try and resolve how I feel about it all once and for all. I read the IMDB msg boards.
Apparently the photos' were taken back stage 15 minutes before they came out. The girl who saw it said she didn't see any flashes so she didn't realise photo's were being taken.
So here are my thoughts:
- I READ - They know they are about to have photos taken before heading out on stage - so this could be Rob providing Kris with a comforting hug - two very close friends giving each other support. This is very believable and therefore just proves they are close friends right?
- I SEE - But why does that not quite jell either?? The second picture says more about her that it does about him. She leans into him. She has rested on him and seems peaceful and seeking support. This appears to be a loving gesture as if she knows she can lean on him ..on her part. She certainly would not lean into him if she did not feel safe with him.
- I SEE -If you were giving a friend an affectionate hug or squeeze , you would generally have your thumb over your fingers and your fingers closed and semi cupped! Also generally your hand is not on their shoulder but around on their arms. So this is half right...Rob has his thumb over his fingers but his fingers are wide open on her skin; he also has his hand on top of her shoulder as if he is drawing her closer in a loving way!
- I THINK -And given all the press about them and they trying to keep their distance in public..why the hell would you be photographed this way unless you wanted to make a statement OR couldn't help yourself!! Sorry this is too contrasted to public appearances!! Seems to be relaxed, off guard. Certainly a gesture of affection and comfort.
So after much internal angst and debate, I think I can conclude there is something there!
I conclude these photos don't prove they are in a relationship...rather they prove that they definitely adore each other and it is a gesture that speaks love, comfort and safety........
But I need to find other signs!! Hey maybe the fact that they were sighted in Vancouver on the weekend ( sunday 2oth) outside a hotel meeting up supposedly meeting up with Sam Bradley! Geez for just good friends they are inseperable!!! ;) But that is a topic for a whole other post!!
Something is not right I think

So some thinking has gone into this.
1) He has no reason to put his arm around her
2)It is so different behaviour to any photo's we have seen of them recently and quite different to the photo's of last year...
3) In the first one, she is turning to put something into his pocket(intimate) he places his arm around her shoulder with an open palm on her skin in an almost possessive gesture of pulling her to him. They are only touching at the shoulders and there are gaps between their bodies. It seems an affectionate gesture.
4) In the second one, she has relaxed against him totally. This one seems more loving and comfortable. There are no spaces between their bodies- she is leaning on him and his hand has tightened on her skin.
I am sure this took place over a couple of seconds. However there is no photo of the three of them in this position. I think when he realised they were snapped he walked away.
However if you replay this physically over a couple of seconds, the overwhelming emotion is: loving contentment.
Hmmm.. still don't know but starting to think YES!!